[BSD] nice story
Nagy László Zsolt
gandalf at shopzeus.com
2016. Jún. 28., K, 13:25:15 CEST
Hát ez szuper!
Lehetne valami plusz spam kérést kérni? :-)
2016. 05. 19. 14:52 keltezéssel, tbc_z87 at mailbox.hu írta:
> Hello,
> There are a cople of stories I wanted to share with you, please, read
> more here http://fypastuquo.rossgreenlaw.com/relate.php
> <http://fypastuquo.rossgreenlaw.com/relate.php?25>
> Pardon my monkey thumbs, tbc_z87 at mailbox.hu
> --
> This message has been scanned for viruses and
> dangerous content by *MailScanner* <http://www.mailscanner.info/>, and is
> believed to be clean.
> --
> Magyar BSD Levelez�lista
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