[BSD] postfix + vacation nem megy port update után

Lóránth Csaba cs.loranth at freemail.hu
2014. Jún. 7., Szo, 10:07:51 CEST

Köszi a válaszod. Teljesen jól "lefordítottad", de az én problémámat nem oldotta meg.Még mindig ezen a Mail::Sender hibán bénázok. Itt van egy nyitott case rá, hogy a TLS alapban aktív lett, ami a problémát okozza. Megoldásra írja, hogy tls_allowed => 0 kikapcsolja a tls-t. No most ezt átírtam a Sender.pm-bem - 970-es sor, de probléma maradt. Jó helyen csináltam? Csabi   https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=85438 In 0.8.22 the case of the 'tls_allowed' attribute was fixed, so the default of 1 is actually effective. But this fix has a problem (besides the fact that the POD still has the upper case 'TLS_allowed'): With this setting, and given that TLS is supported, IO::Socket::SSL tries a hostname verification and for this it needs a ca file which is not found (unless by chance there is a file in 'certs/my-ca.pem'). This in turn leads to a not very informative error message: "Failed to send the message: Connection not established" when trying to send a message in Mail::Sender. So, I think it would be helpful to - fix the documentation to at least make it easy to switch TLS off (tls_allowed => 0, not TLS_allowed) - either allow a parameter to pass the ca_file and/or default e.g. to Mozilla::CA::SSL_ca_file() if Mozilla::CA is installed, else give a hint that it won't work without a ca_file as long as tls_allowed is switched on. - if it still failes, give a better error message. While debugging I inserted a die IO_SOCKET_SSL(IO::Socket::SSL::errstr()) which is also returned in the 0.8.22 code but somehow doesn't make it to STDOUT. This would give a message like "error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed" which helps a lot if used in Google. Until this issue is fixed and if someone finds this report having the same problem, here is my temporary fix: use Mozilla::CA; IO::Socket::SSL::set_defaults( SSL_ca_file => Mozilla::CA::SSL_ca_file(), );  
Gabor HALASZ <halasz.g at freemail.hu> írta:
>On 6/6/2014 6:51 PM, Lóránth Csaba wrote:
>> this issue can be avoided. Just put a "use SSLFix" in the Mal::Sender
>                             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>> source code and everything works like a charm.
>> Here is the code for "SSLFix.pl"
>> --------------------------- SSLFix.pm -----------------------------------
>> use strict;
>> use warnings;
>> package SSLFix;
>> use IO::Socket::SSL 1.982;
>> IO::Socket::SSL::set_args_filter_hack( sub {
>> my ($is_server,$args) = @_;
>> # CA mit
>> CN=server3.presseservicebuero.de/emailAddress=jens.struck at germanonlinepublisher.com
>> # über Fingerprint als trusted angeben
>> $args->{SSL_fingerprint} = 'sha1$e3dd23963cae604403ead7767d600568a6667178'
>> if ! $is_server;
>> });
>> 1;
>> No most nem vagyok egy perl guru, de hova is kell ezt beírni?
>Ott irja, ahol alahuztam. Leforditom: perl -V -vel megnezed a @INC 
>tartalmat, valamelyik dirbe berakod az sslfix.pm-edet 
>(/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/<perl verzio>/ a standard helye az 
>ilyesminek), utana megkeresed a Mail/Sender.pm-et (az is a 
>/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/<perl verzio>/ alatt lesz), csinalsz rola 
>egy masolatot, mert ha belepiszkalsz, akkor idegeskedni fog kesobb a 
>pkg(ng), majd egyszeruen beleirod a use-ok moge a javasoltat (case 
>sensitive), persze idezojel nelkul, ahogy a tobbi use direktiva van, es 
>pontosvesszo is kell a sor vegere.
>Magyar BSD Levelezőlista
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