[BSD] subscribe freebsd
Papp Tamas
tompos at martos.bme.hu
2002. Nov. 18., H, 12:09:28 CET
On Sun, Nov 17, 2002 at 07:18:14PM +0200, palmihaly wrote:
> subscribe freebsd
feliratkozashoz is a majordomonak kell levelet kuldeni:)
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Xnet scaneaza automat toate mesajele impotriva virusilor folosind RAV
> AntiVirus.
> Xnet automatically scans all messages for viruses using RAV AntiVirus.
> Nota: RAV AntiVirus poate sa nu detecteze toti virusii noi sau toate
> variantele lor. Va rugam sa luati in considerare ca exista un risc de
> fiecare data cand deschideti fisiere atasate si ca MobiFon nu este
> responsabila pentru nici un prejudiciu cauzat de virusi.
> Disclaimer: RAV AntiVirus may not be able to detect all new viruses and
> variants. Please be aware that there is a risk involved whenever opening
> e-mail attachments to your computer and that MobiFon is not responsible for
> any damages caused by viruses.
nem tudnal vmi masik levelezot valasztani, ami ezt a szornyuseget nem
rakja bele?
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