[FreeBSD] ppp (nat) ping timeout

SITKEI Attila teflon at interware.hu
2001. Okt. 10., Sze, 16:19:10 CEST

On Wed, Oct 10, 2001 at 04:05:02PM +0200, SITKEI Attila wrote:

ugyetlen vagyok. annyit tennek meg hozza, hogy a problema jelentkezesekor az
emlitett nagy ping-time-ok nem egybol, hanem kb 10 perc utan jelentkeznek,
valamint hogy a netstat -m kimenete normalis (4-5%).

megegyszer kosz.

--------- következő rész ---------
# PPP  Sample Configuration File
# Originally written by Toshiharu OHNO
# Simplified 5/14/1999 by wself at cdrom.com
# See /usr/share/examples/ppp/ for some examples
# $FreeBSD: src/etc/ppp/ppp.conf,v 2000/08/18 08:33:02 jhb Exp $

 #ident user-ppp VERSION (built COMPILATIONDATE)

 # Ensure that "device" references the correct serial port
 # for your modem. (cuaa0 = COM1, cuaa1 = COM2)

 set log Phase tun command CBCP CCP IPCP LCP # debug sync
# set ifaddr


 # edit the next three lines and replace the items in caps with
 # the values which have been assigned by your ISP.

 set device PPPoE:rl1
 #set MRU 1454
 set MTU 1454
 set dial
 set crtscts off
 set speed sync
 set cd 5
 set timeout 0
 set redial 0 0
 enable lqr
 disable deflate
 disable pred1
 disable vjcomp
 disable acfcomp
 disable protocomp 
 disable dns
 open ipcp
 nat enable yes
 nat log yes
 nat same_ports yes
 add default HISADDR
 set login
 set authname user at provider.hu
 set authkey ******

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