[FreeBSD] Freebsd cd *.iso fileok, win alatt hogyan lesz belole cd?
Juhász Zsolt
zsolt at pluto.qjuboard.hu
2001. Nov. 22., Cs, 22:06:31 CET
> > Letoltes után a freebsd *.iso fileokat hogyan melyik programmal tudom
> > kiirni cd-re?
> > Termesztesen windowsos programok kellenek, mivel valszeg win es gepen
> > tortenik a letoltes es a cd-re iras is.
> > A Nero 5-t neztem de a fajltipus listaban nincs *.iso fájl.
> Nevezzed at! (mondjuk img-nek, vagy raw-nak, amit kezel a nero)
> Balage
Balgaság... mivelhogy némi optio beállítás a programoknak, hogy correct
Igy kell:
Howto burn an ISO image ?
All the CD-Writing software can use ISO image to burn directly a CD-Rom.
Important note: take care to download the ISO in binary mode (FTP). By
default Netscape download the file in ASCII mode which corrupt the image. You
can check the integrity of the ISO file with the md5 key (md5sum mandrake.iso
under Linux), go to http://www.etree.org/md5com.html to get the md5sum.exe
version if you are using Windows)
Please avoid downloading the ISO with a 56K modem line. If the download
fails you can use "Resume" which allows you to continue the download. It
works with ftp (reget), ncftp, CuteFTP, Getright, ...
With Easy CD Creator:
Open Easy CD Creator
Go to "File"
then to "Create CD from disc image"
make sure to change the bottom drop down menu ("Files of type:") to say
"ISO image files"
It will do the rest after you browse to the *.iso file
(Thanks for zacheyer)
With WinOnCD:
you can select a
"track-image" project when you click the New button. So long as you are
in track mode, not file-system mode (how that looks depends on whether
you have 3.0 or 3.5) then dragging a track image file onto the CD window
should accept it as a raw track. WinOnCD uses .RAW as its own
(Thanks Rick Jones)
With Nero Burning Rom:
Open Nero.
Close the wizard if it is started automatically.
Go to "File"
then to "Burn Image...".
In the next dialog, click on "Image Files (*.nrg)" and select "All files
Choose the .iso file and accept.
In the following dialog make sure:
- Type of Image is: Data Mode 1
- Block size: 2048
- Image header: 0
- Image trailer: 0
- All the checkboxes are unactive.
Click "OK".
In the next dialog check that the "write" and "finalize" option are active.
Click on "Write".
(Thanks Antonio Asensi)
With CD-Record:
CD-Writing HowTo:
For example:
cdrecord -v speed=4 dev=4,0 mandrake.iso
You get the number on the SCSI bus number with "cdrecord --scanbus"
Bye.... Qju
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