Hungarian localistaion (fwd)
Zahemszky Gabor
zgabor at
1998. Nov. 18., Sze, 17:04:53 CET
> I have applied all Gabor's changes to 2.2.x and 3.x
> 2.2.8 and 3.0 should both have this support now
> LOCALE=hu_HU should work,
Pardon? Isn't it LANG? (And where is the .ISO_8859-2 ``extension'' ? ;-)
> and the two hungarian keymaps are now standard.
> szia!
ZGabor at CoDe dot HU
Z='21N16I25C25E30, 40M30E33E25T15U!' ;IFS=' ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ';set $Z ;for i { [[ $i = ? ]]&&print $i&&break;[[ $i = ??? ]]&&j=$i&&i=${i%?};typeset -i40 i=8#$i;print -n ${i#???};[[ "$j" = ??? ]]&&print -n "${j#??} "&&j=;typeset +i i;};IFS=' 0123456789 ';set $Z;X=;for i { [[ $i = , ]]&&i=2;[[ $i = ?? ]]||typeset -l i;X="$X $i";typeset +l i;};print "$X"
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